
The most efficient gnutella client.


What was said in freenode #gtk-gnutella on 02/17/2018:

  1. 04:16:56 Ci-Dev joined the channel
  2. 04:19:06 DalekSec left the channel
  3. 04:20:21 Ci-Dev_ left the channel
  4. 04:31:47 DalekSec joined the channel
  5. 05:59:48 r00t^ left the channel
  6. 07:08:25 graaff joined the channel
  7. 07:17:51 luciom joined the channel
  8. 07:19:42 luciom: hello ram what do you think about the logs I posted on Feb 14th?
  9. 11:03:50 ram: luciom: I do not see any trace of a crash
  10. 11:04:38 ram: What was before crash_mode(): initial external call, level=basic from thread "main" (#0) ?
  11. 11:04:54 luciom: ram, so maybe the uptime counter just restarted by itself?
  12. 11:05:15 ram: no, no! You got a SEGV signal, that's what happened.
  13. 11:05:37 ram: The problem is that this is not helping without a trace of some sort.
  14. 11:06:07 ram: And I see no stack trace in the logs after the SIGSEGV
  15. 11:07:07 ram: It's like saying: oops, I saw a bug here. Without more information about what "here" is. Cannot be processed!
  16. 11:11:27 luciom: ram, I though that launching GTKG with the logs options was enough; how can I obtain a more useful trace?
  17. 12:20:44 luciom left the channel
  18. 12:21:46 ram: luciom: did you look at the generated crashlog file?
  19. 12:22:47 ram: I think that the crash debugging code is getting a SEGV, which is what is preventing useful information from being logged
  20. 12:25:53 ram: The SEGV is logged by the signal_uncaught() routine. That is the weird part.
  21. 14:49:23 graaff left the channel
  22. 19:14:50 r00t^ joined the channel
  23. 22:21:07 Blink2nd joined the channel
  24. 00:00:00 --- ---