
The most efficient gnutella client.


What was said in freenode #gtk-gnutella on 07/15/2018:

  1. 00:01:41 r00t` joined the channel
  2. 01:16:51 Blink2nd joined the channel
  3. 02:10:59 Blink2nd left the channel
  4. 03:23:46 Ci-Dev_ left the channel
  5. 03:25:28 Ci-Dev joined the channel
  6. 05:11:13 graaff joined the channel
  7. 17:10:05 Cito joined the channel
  8. 17:10:18 Cito: howdy
  9. 17:14:01 Cito: I've been looking around and saw the irc listed. Thought I'd give it a go. I was using Mint 18.3 and all was well. But I upgraded to Mint 19 and all is well except gtk-gnutella is white. All pages/preferences/etc white. Is there a location I need to delete to let it recreate it's config, or perhaps a theme I'm missing. I'd appreciate any info. Hope I haven't bothered anyone. Thank you
  10. 20:29:50 Cito left the channel
  11. 21:06:24 graaff left the channel
  12. 22:59:14 Blink2nd joined the channel
  13. 00:00:00 --- ---