
The most efficient gnutella client.


What was said in freenode #gtk-gnutella on 11/09/2018:

  1. 04:15:43 Ci-Dev_ joined the channel
  2. 04:18:36 Ci-Dev left the channel
  3. 06:47:05 graaff joined the channel
  4. 07:04:13 Ci-Dev_ left the channel
  5. 07:07:45 Ci-Dev joined the channel
  6. 12:10:55 Mad7Scientist left the channel
  7. 12:35:25 Mad7Scientist joined the channel
  8. 19:48:42 noonehere4u: ram: The new configuration has been running for 2 days and 1 hour.. seems to be fixed
  9. 20:55:14 ram: noonehere4u: excellent, I'll make a patch for the next release
  10. 20:56:41 noonehere4u: Thank you for you help and time
  11. 20:56:52 noonehere4u: you=your
  12. 20:57:10 noonehere4u: for you = for your
  13. 00:00:00 --- ---