
The most efficient gnutella client.


What was said in freenode #gtk-gnutella on 11/10/2018:

  1. 02:04:02 Blink2nd joined the channel
  2. 03:00:33 Blink2nd left the channel
  3. 04:14:13 Ci-Dev_ joined the channel
  4. 04:17:01 Ci-Dev left the channel
  5. 05:39:22 graaff left the channel
  6. 05:47:07 graaff joined the channel
  7. 09:31:10 luciom joined the channel
  8. 11:14:34 luciom left the channel
  9. 11:38:50 Mad7Scientist left the channel
  10. 11:52:23 r00t^ left the channel
  11. 11:52:33 r00t^ joined the channel
  12. 13:23:38 Mad7Scientist joined the channel
  13. 15:05:35 luciom joined the channel
  14. 15:07:14 luciom: hello ram GTKG 1.1.14 is behaving strangely: while doing a search it counts the results but nothing gets listed, then is I click "close search" the whole GTKG crashes
  15. 16:05:58 luciom left the channel
  16. 16:15:11 noonehere4u left the channel
  17. 16:16:20 noonehere4u joined the channel
  18. 16:32:45 graaff left the channel
  19. 16:41:03 uwishuno joined the channel
  20. 16:42:10 uwishuno left the channel
  21. 16:42:33 uwishuno joined the channel
  22. 16:47:23 uwishuno left the channel
  23. 17:26:53 ram: luciom: do you have a crash log generated?
  24. 19:18:08 Mad7Scientist left the channel
  25. 19:23:13 noonehere4u: testing
  26. 19:25:05 noonehere4u: ram can you test that link?
  27. 19:31:22 Mad7Scientist joined the channel
  28. 21:51:32 ram: noonehere4u: what do you mean "test that link"?
  29. 22:16:20 Mad7Scientist left the channel
  30. 22:19:31 Mad7Scientist joined the channel
  31. 22:49:19 Mad7Scientist left the channel
  32. 00:00:00 --- ---